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Undead Zoo! Interviews/Ask the characters! [Logged in view]
2016-08-20 14:11:33
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Welcome to Undead zoo! interviews!
Have a question for a character? Just ask!!
Me: Anabell what was your first experience with a gun?
Anabell: >___> "........My uncle was watching me on Christmas cause dad was on a mission...he decided it would be fun to dress up as Santa Claus.....and I already know Santa wasn't real so I thought he was a robber........
and I shot him in the leg." TT___TT
Hm... Soron! What was the worst Betty/date experience you've had?
Soron: O.O "Oh god..." >__> "Hmmm I'd have to say Molly was the worst...I mean on the actual date she wasn't to bad..she asked some pretty personal questions but besides that it was fine...It was after the date when she kept calling me and messaging me WHEN I HADN'T EVEN GIVEN HER MY NUMBER, that I started getting nervous. Then she started showing up at work, and knocking on my door at like two in the morning....SHE EVEN FOLLOWED ME INTO THE RESTROOM!......." *sigh* "Betty managed to get her to stop after I had locked myself in my room for four days to keep away from Molly."
Desmond: (Wait are characters allowed to ask-) "To bad I'm going to!" XD
"Aspen, were you always such a b**ch?"
Aspen: "For as long as I remember. But you could have put a little effort into a more creative term~ B*tch is a little stale."
Desmond: "And you were able to get engaged? Bravo~"
Aspen: "What can I say? We shared a sense of humor."
*thinks for a moment...* Ah! Betty! If you could chose four people to set up on a double date--and these are the only people you could set up on any date for an entire year--who would they be?
Betty: "Oh dear.....Hmmm well Yue, David, Alex~ .......& ...let's see.....Loki they're all such sweet hearts they need a nice little push~ *giggles*!!"
Um...Betty? You do realize that "double date" means two couples, right? O__o
Betty: >___> "Good point Alex and David would never go for that......Okay David & Yue, and Loki and Meko or Maniko.....hmm, probably Maniko actually she's a bit more spunky and that'll be good for Loki~!!"
Yue! What is the most frightening thing you can think of~?
Yue: "I had a nightmare once. Something in the facility building--a support beam or foundation, I suppose--broke and the whole thing fell. All the machines and blood equipment was destroyed. Charles, Betty, and Soron were crushed. I survived, but I was all covered in cuts. Medics kept trying to help me, but they weren't Betty and they kept touching me and their hands started melting and the kept dissolving into these...things that were like walking skeletons covered in goop and spreading acid everywhere and all the people they went to help got infected and..and..." 
O.O .......TT0TT I'm sooooo sorryyyyy I thought it'd be something like "The blood lab closing" Or "Getting fired"!!!
Yue: "No, but that's horrible too!!!!" TT__________________TT
David~ Describe your thoughts and feelings the first week you actually trained with Jace.
David: "Hmmm. Well I was terrified and figured I'd be dead in no time! but my main thought was 'What's the point in getting saved if I'm not going to try my hardest to protect this life, and the people that made it possible for me to live it?' I knew Jace was I was a bit surprised at how dangerous the training actually certainly was exciting."
Question for the player:
What character resembles you the most and what character is most different from you?
I finally figured it out!! Okay Lilly is most like me (oddly enough) and Celest is probably most defferent from me...
Who is Jace's biggest fan? David or Yuki? XP
David: "I am!!" XD
Yuki: >:O "Nu-uh!! I am! Jace is my papa!"
David: >:( ".... I've known him way longer then you! He's my big brother!"
Me: ^-^' Ummm to answer it a little better, currently it is David.
"Currently"? XD
Yuki: ;D "Told ya I like him best!"
David: TT~TT "Th-that's not true!!"
Me: >~> I don't know who would in a year or so...
Lilly, did Rhett and your cousin get along?
Lilly: "They got along well enough to plot..." TT~TT "I learned to sleep with one eye open along time ago......frickin pranksters."
Hey, Alex~ If Maniko and Meko begged you to turn them, would you? XP
Alex: "Turn them where? You mean make them switch sides?"
I mean turn them into werewolves~
Alex: "Wha-what?! I... I don't know..."
Really? :P
Alex: "Wh-why would you ask something like that?"
Because /maybe/ they want to be turned~
Alex: "W-Well if they want to... I... I guess..."
You know you can be banned for it, right?
Alex: "W-Well yeah..."
And you'd still turn them at risk of being kicked out of the government and never setting foot in the facility again? Wow.
Alex: "Well if Meko came with me then... Uh... Never mind." *swiftly walks away*
Question for the players!!
What is your top five characters you love to hate/hate to love?
My top five hmm...would be:
1. Rhett, I hate how much I love him~
2. Yuki, I don't know why, but I find myself wanting to make him suffer a lot.
3. Celest......
4. NOVA!
& 5. Jace..... I love making him suffer.... His cute when he's suffering...
Mine would be...:
1. Rhett. He's fun in original UZ! but he changes a lot during the time skip...
2. Fern. She's...damaged. The more I write her, the more sympathetic she becomes. >.< SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE EVIL!
3. Luki. I feel so sorry for him, but he's beyond fixing. :/
4. I enjoy making them ALL suffer~ 
5. Anyone who dares take Jace's training course: Be warned.
1. Hmm... Drake, he's kind of creepy and weird, but I like that.
2. Luki, I feel bad that he lost his wife, but he went bat s*** crazy and tried to kill her when she came back and refuses to believe she's real.
3. Seth, he was a bad little boy that experimented on other children, but he was locked in a cell which is sad, but he kind of deserved it... But he's so cute!
4. Sebastian (Alan's inner demon), he's a bad bad boy for killing you-know-who, but he's part of Alan who I love.
5. Um.... Haniko, I mean she's really cute and it's sad that she lost her mom and brother and had to live with Luki who probably brainwashed her, but she wants to kill all of Yuki's friends because she thinks they want to kidnap and brainwash him against her and Luki.
Question for the players!!
Who is your OTP (One True Pairing) for the characters of Undead Zoo?
Hmmmm well for me i've always liked Anna X Jace......but I'll get back to you on my actual fav. okay I have four favorites to narrow it down from!! Jace X Anna, Abigail X Yuki XD, Rhett X Lilly ;3, & Meko X Alex (because, let's face it those to are so freakin adorable and depressing~)
Crimson: Hmm.... I really love Alex X Meko... Oh! And Alan X Malik, Seth X Loshya and Gabriel X Logan... I know! My favorite is Yuki X Abigail. :D
Question for players!! XD again!
What two people that aren't a couple do you think would make the cutest?
(Example: Debbie X Logan, or Desmond X Edda (0.0 that would be weird)
Crimson: I think Liden and Edda would be so cute together, *whispers* So would Rose and Isaac... OH! Or David and Edda, she could sneak him sweets. XD
Okay characters! because I'm lazy and indecisive, who should Rhett be with?! ...anyone can answer..
Alex: I really don't care, it's up to him.
Siven: Lilly, she's really pretty. :D
Abigail: The other lady with purple eyes, I like her eyes.
Momo: Hmm.... Lilly, she seems nice.
Who's your top five favorite characters?!
5. Siven
4. David
3. Alex
2. Meko
1. Yuki
(Not including second gen)
Characters! What other character would you like to die in UZ1?
Anabell: "....Fern."
Haniko: "Nova."
Yuki: "......if my Luki can't be would be best if he passed away..."
Graham: "I don't like to condone violence...but Nova has to be stopped...oh and Celest of course needs stopped."
Edgar: "....hard question...too many."
David: "Huh? I-I don't really want anyone to die!"
Fern: *without hesitation* "Debutante."
Drake: "The ones who dare to traumatize my Kitten and/or injure him." ^-^
Rhett: "I still want to taste angel blood~"
Yue: *blink, blink*
Jace: *long-suffering sigh* "I just want this ta be done with..."
Okay Players, what characters would you be most upset over the death of?
Ask Aspen if you dare~
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